I feel like one of the most therapeutic things that I can do is get rid of stuff. Yeah, I like to shop and do a little bit of that retail therapy. But after I obtain the object, just how happy does it make me down the road? Typically I forget about how much I wanted the thing that I have obtained and no longer take as much interest in it now that I have it in my grasp.
However, getting rid of stuff? Now that feels good. It feels amazing. No matter how hard it is for me to let go of these things that I have, after I finally get rid of it; out of sight out of mind has never held such truth. Getting rid of clutter and items that you don't really use frees up a lot of space. Both mentally and physically. You have room to breathe. Space to appreciate.
You really can't understand the relief that comes from having more space. We tend to feel so empty that we try to fill this emptiness with stuff. So we gather things into our lives and all our repressed feelings get trapped in all these nooks and crannies we have created. Things that have with them attached negative feelings; sadness, hurt, anger. While we think we have healed and moved past we always feel a little spark of something that we thought was shoved far away, deep down into ourselves. So we buy more stuff.
You won't believe how much energy we put into the stuff that we collect. Mostly subconscious we note on how little room we have left. How we should clean soon. Donate soon. We walk past bad memories and think; well, it was a time in my life so I may as well hold on. But I am here to tell you, don't! Each thing that you rid yourself up is one less thing that your subconscious has to spend time on. How many times have you flipped through your clothes and your eyes skip over clothing you haven't so much as tried on for the last year? What is keeping you attached to that? What joy is it bringing you? Most likely its just a space filler. Space that you can free up.
We need to stop filling our lives with stuff. Figuratively or literally. We need to, we absolutely must sit in the emptiness. To appreciate the nothingness. To sit with all of ourselves. Including the bad. Throw out the stuff and allow room for more of you to shine through.