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Content Creators: Don't sell yourself short!

I know I am not the most successful content creator. Hell, I'm not even on the map. But I don't think that means I am beyond giving advice.

When I first started creating content (back then it was Youtube book reviews in 2011), I found myself overwhelmed when it came to pleasing my followers. I felt as though every single follower needed my immediate and specialized attention. It became very draining and made it very hard to do what I loved doing. I was a very naive teen and felt that being polite meant dropping everything for everyone. Even if it meant having entire conversations online that had nothing to do with the content I wanted to *actually* talk about. The entire reason for me creating content in the first place!

So here I am to tell you: don't make the same mistake!

As small time creators we tend to fear the big "YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT US FANS" accusation. On top of that, we tend to fear losing any followers because we have so few to start with. But I am here to tell you: Treat your time like a product!!

Your time is valuable. You have content to create! It's work. You need time between creating, pleasing followers, and time to yourself. And trust me, greedy energy sucking vampires will make it hard to do just that.

Now, how can you tell that they are an energy sucking vampire? Well, let's go back to the idea of selling your time like a product.

Are they "paying" for your time?

If you sell your content in any way, have they "paid" for your product?

Also, payment doesn't necessarily have to be monetary. How often are they liking, commenting, and sharing/promoting your work? Because trust me. People will give a simple 'follow' or 'like' and expect a lot of your time for giving nothing in return. And a 'like' is not worth your time being monopolized. Just because they paid a trifle doesn't make them entitled to you're attention at all times. I'm not saying to not engage or be polite to those who support you, but trying to be intimate friends with every single follower is impossible.

Another clue that they are an energy vampire is to note how they are engaging with you. Are they talking about your content or interests in any way, or are they attempting to start a lengthy and personal conversation? Are they strictly private messaging and never commenting/liking your content (which brings traffic/attention to your work)? Again, I am not saying there is no room to get to know your supporters or spend time on them.

I am just here to remind you that your time is valuable. Your energy is valuable. It is not rude to politely exit conversations from those who aren't actually putting in towards your content. You can maintain a healthy and polite relationship with your followers without having to continuously give in from your personal life to maintain a fan base. Set your boundaries and don't allow yourself to be overwhelmed. Those who are there to support you will understand.

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