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Care2Cosplay at Anime Pasadena

This post is going up a tad bit late as Anime Pasadena was on the 26th of May, but as they say, "better late than never". I think this piece in particular is very important to me, as it was the first event that gave me the chance to set up my table talking about my Care2Cosplay project. For those who don't know, Care2Cosplay is a project of mine that encourages cospositivity. It was originally created as a safe space against sexual harassment but I am more than happy creating a safe space against all forms of harassment. Anime Pasadena is an up and coming convention hosted by Elvin of Nerdbot studios. A small and intimate con that included tons of opportunities to stay stimulated and interacting with your environment.

I was really not expecting such an opportunity but when I walked up to Elvin, no sooner than had my idea popped out of my mouth, he offered me a space at his con. I was overjoyed to see that an event organizer was so eager to support safe spaces in the community. Event organizers with the safety of their attendees in mind is one of the key elements in keeping our communities safe, and so I hope this becomes a trend as more and more events start coming up with ways to maintaining healthy spaces.

I must admit that I was very nervous. I was not funded at all until the end when I had to humbly ask for aid so that I could muster up the payment for the small resources that I had. My table wasn't very full and I didn't have banners or anything eye catching. But it was my first attempt at this and it gave me plenty opportunity to learn. I was surprisingly very good at explaining my goals and intentions with this project, and while some folk laughed from the sidelines, some scoffed, and some were rudely sarcastic to my face... most people took to the idea and seemed very pleased to have a space where they could feel like they could turn to at the event and online if needed. While spreading the positive seems common sense, people don't understand how hard it can be to show weakness or needing help in these kinds of events. Nobody wants to feel like they are ruining everyone elses good time, and I just want it to be known that their good time is important too. Reporting harassment ultimately leads to the best experiences when we can come together against harmful and toxic situations.

I hope that if I get the opportunity to make it to other events, that I am better prepared and perhaps even funded so that I can have a table that brings more attention to itself. I think that was my biggest issue, nobody was really interested in a barren table. Because most of the people who came by to see what it was about, was really happy to see this project around at the event they were attending.

I cannot thank Elvin enough for this opportunity. I was not only able to gain an idea of how to better set up my table; I was also able to gather more thoughts and ideas on what it is I want my project to represent. This was a huge learning experience that made me realize how capable I am at sharing this kind of information and offering this kind of support to the community that I love most, the geekdom.

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