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Thoughts: Why is there such lack of support in the Cosplay Community?

This piece is not one that will ponder the differences of opinion that go on in the cosplay community, that is something every community faces and we see in any social setting.

Rather, this is a piece contemplating why those who are within the same circles and know the same folk do not support one another in any way they can. I see people snub other folk all the time in so many ways, and it is becoming a huge issue.

1. Not giving credit

One of the most huge issues I see in the community is lack of giving credit where credit is due. So many cosplayers will receive services or items crafted by an artist (Photography, Props, Costumes...) and not credit the artist who made their cosplay or photos possible to begin with. There are so many geeks in the background of this increasingly popular hobby that are simply stuck in the shadows. So often I see my fellow geeks get snubbed by those who shine on the forefront because the cosplayer couldn't take two seconds to credit those who helped them. Whether you paid or not for the services, doesn't mean that those who provided the services shouldn't receive credit. Their entire reputation and line of work thrives on receiving credit so that others may also use their services!

I often also see art stolen. Usually a photo or a drawing of a cosplayer will be downloaded and then shared without and mention of the model, artist, or photographer. Instead of sharing content straight from the artist, we often see this form of stealing. Pages on Facebook, and Instagram accounts are building their entire fan base off of this type of theft.

What can we do?

What we can do as a community to make sure this happens less is start being active against it. If you are a cosplayer, make sure to remember to credit your photographers, artists, prop makers, costumers, ect. It really helps them out by getting their name out there so they can get future work! If you see a cosplayer not credit properly, call it out! Kindly ask who helped them with their props or costume or who took their photos (kindly remember that they may have done it themselves too).

If a cosplayer refuses to credit, that is a red flag. Refuse to work with them immediately.

Feel free to report any pages that steal other's work. If you recognize the artist they stole from, let the artist know as the artist will often have more (legal) power to do something about it than you will.

2. Shaming

As mentioned previously, there are always going to be differences of opinion in every community. However, rampant in the community is shaming. I've seen cosplayers often pick a side on various topics (lewd vs covered, fit vs unfit...) and will actually make fun of and shame other cosplayers for not fitting their standards. This just creates a disconnect and allows for others looking into to participate by feeling justified in despicable behavior. There is often not very much talk and discussion on a lot of the differences of opinion that go on in the cosplay community, rather everyone feels more comfortable shaming rather than participating in a loving environment. Many cosplayers attend events with the very folk that they end up shaming and it creates a tense space that should otherwise be welcoming and safe.

What can we do?

We all know that we cannot do much to stop trolling. But we can encourage our favorite cosplayers to participate in kindly behavior towards fellow cosplayers. Even when there is disagreement we can opt to have civil conversations and learn from each others experiences.

3. Popular vs "Lesser known" Cosplayers

I often see the issues that come from this. I have seen entire circles form based on follower count. I have watched and have been part of communities that have put higher standards on those who are less popular while watching as those standards get waived for more popular cosplayers. I've watched as people only regard you so much as they can get out of you. Which is terrible because there is so much talent within the entire community regardless of popularity. I wonder why we don't collab with people based on what they have to offer in terms of talent, resources, skill, and common interest rather than how popular we can get each other? I have often thought I made friends with certain cosplayers only for them to pretend to have never have partied or hung out with me.

What can we do?

Start acknowledging each other. I understand that we only have so much energy to give, but start building communities that help recycle love and care for one another. Start supporting smaller artists. Work with those that have skill and talent and potential as well as big names. If you do not have the time and energy, that is valid, but it only takes a small shout out to help out the little guy.

If you are constantly in the same group of people via events or work, get to know everyone involved and appreciate them rather than hunting for the person(s) that you feel you can climb up the ranks with. Its not only disrespectful to the smaller cosplayers, its also disrespectful to the bigger name cosplayers as well.

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